For maximum lip care protection and glossy, smooth lips, Shea Terra turns to the wild. At the heart of our formula is the rare, cold pressed shea butter of Uganda. Unlike shea butter from West Africa, Ugandan shea butter is never boiled. The nuts are wild harvested and mill pressed to produce a superior butter. Shea Nilotik' shea butter is naturally creamy and emollient. It is higher in vitamin E than West African shea butter, offering lips hours of soothing relief. One of our most potent, secret ingredients in this emollient lip savior is actually a little known wild plum oil. In addition to softening skin, this thick oil is traditionally used to soften leather. To enhance the emollience of our lip savior we've incorporated desert date oil, also known as balanites oil found in the great pyramids. We chose this particular lip softening oil because it is produced in Burkina Faso as part of a wild life conservation project. This conservation project has seen a positive impact on Africa's elephant, an animal in great danger of extinction. The sprawling desert melon, coined Kalahari melon by Shea Terra, provides lips with anti-oxidants and essential fatty acids. The bitter melon, grandmother of the sweet melon we eat today, provides desert dwellers with a source of income as well as a nutritious oil for their families. To seal in moisture and protect lips from the elements we had sought out the highest golden beeswax we could find. Our beeswax is collected from a beekeeping project providing income for rural inhabitants of the pristine forests of Uganda. The beeswax undergoes filtering, but never refining ensuring that all of its medicinal properties stay intact. Lightly flavored with natural rice milk and cardamom essential oil.
Your lips do a lot for you. Do more for them with Shea Nilotik' Lip Savior.
Contains only: USDA Certified Organic, cold pressed Shea Nilotik' Shea Butter, wild African plum oil, wild desert date oil (part of a wild life conservation project in Burkina Faso), wild melon oil, golden Ugandan beeswax, natural rice milk flavor, cardamom essential oil, stevia
Apply to lips throughout the day.